Uppmaning till alla yogafilosofiintresserade
Det här är en chans. Ta den! Alexander Medin är den yogalärare, han är certifierad Ashtangayogalärare (finns många auktoriserade, men FÅ certifierade i världen)och extremt kunnig när det gäller den yogiska filosofin och han PRATAR sanskrit. Nu kommer han till atmajyoti, Viveka Bloms fina yogastudio på Odenplan i februari nästa år.
Workshop 19-21 februari with Alexander Medin
– Alla nivåer välkomna/All levels welcome –
This workshop is for all practitioners of Yoga seeking a deeper understanding in how to embody the simple principals of Yoga in a daily life – particularly off the Yoga mat. Very often people who practice Yoga sooner or later experience an incredible sense of Joy and Peace. Unfortunately this experience tend to fade as we encounter various stressful and difficult situations in life – or we may be pushing ourselves to an extreme in our daily practice resulting in nothing but frustration.
This course builds upon the traditonal form of Ashtanga Yoga as developed by Pattabhi Jois, from Mysore, India. The purpose of the workshop is to guide the practitioner into a deeper expereince of yoga through focusing on the main principals of Yoga, namely: Yamas, Niyamas, Asana and Pranayama.
The Classical Yoga philosophy according to Patanjali will be discussed and implemented on a practical level. The course is divided into five segments where each of the four limbs of yoga are treated separately. It is possible to join individual classes, but preference will be given to those that commit to the whole course.
Friday 17.30 – 19.30 Yama.
Here the focus is on Gentle Yoga. Exercises that make you relax, find inner quiteness and strength. The five different Yamas will be discussed, elaborated upon and explained. Why they are necessary and considered the very foundation in yoga and what are the actual fruits that come when they are followed properly.
Saturday 07.00 – 10.00 Niyama.
This is a dynamic class of Yoga focusing on Tapas and the importance of this to gain a greater awakening in Yoga. Each of the five Niyamas will be discussed and the main focus of the class is how to integrate a deeper understanding of yoga through merely physical practice.
Saturday 10.30 – 13.00 Asana.
What does it mean to be steady and comfortable in ones Asana Practice? How is it possible to let go of the constant stream of thoughts, emotions and ideas bombarding us in a steady stream of oppositions. Is it possible to gain greater freedom and inner peace from exercises that are apparently quite strenous?
Sunday 07.00 – 10.00 Pranayama.
This is also a traditional class of Asthanga Vinyasa Yoga, yet here the main focus is on better receptivity of breath. This will be done by implementing a particular way of breathing in various sequences in order to create greater expansion to the life force (Prana) from within. Specific breathing techinques will also be taught for preparation in meditation.
Sunday 12.00-14.00 Integration.
A summary of everything that has been covered so far, but with a focus on breathing techinques and relaxation. All questions will also be welcomed.
Plats: Atmajyoti, Norrtullsgatan 11
Pris: 1600 kr.